Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The White Witch

It seems that convincing people who do not know me that I am going to buy a castle is a little harder than anticipated, and I did not anticipate that it would be easy.

We arrived at the pub. As we sat at our table brainstorming ideas of how to let people know that I am serious about wanting to raise the funds to purchase a castle we were approached by a woman. She asked if she could put her wine glass on our table while she went to the WC. Then she asked were the scratchings on the napkins about. At work they call me the White Witch. Don't waste your money. It will never happen. It's a pipe dream. You dont' want to go to the UK. Then after some british-accented-ramblings she said not to listen to her her thoughts were impaired. Where are Ryerson students filming documentries when you need them? I do not wish to imply that I do not believe in messages from the other side, witches, seers, or fortune tellers by any means. It was simply her drunken presentation, timing on being so against it after hearing about it. You really had to be there. She then followed us outside to talk about it further. Her husband trying to drag her away, their taxi was at the door and was going to leave with or without them. How many people told her that moving to Canada would never happen, not to go, it would be a mistake.

I know to some it may seem a pipe dream. Stranger things have happened. Too often in life I have given up and listened to the naysayers. What might I have accomplished if Ihad only followed my own path rather than their rantings.


L.Bo Marie said...

" Where are Ryerson students filming documentries when you need them?"
you don't need them. sometimes for fun my friends and I make docu's... you can totally do it ... hmmm, funding!!!!

Red Queen White Queen said...

Do you? Hmm . . . we had briefly spoke of this at the pub the other night. I would also like to do Shakespearean Sock Puppet Theatre for youtube. Maybe the family needs a video camera as a last min present for Christmas. Thank you L.Bo Marie!